Saturday 31 May 2014

Twitter Rolled Out New Fonts Today

Source: Mashable
Twitter new font update says it has changed its primary font to new font and made the user profiles font look sleeker and narrower.

The new font is Gotham Narrow SSm. Much popular font across the web and also used in Barack Obama's campaign. The new logo of WTC(World Trade Center) uses this font.

The changes had appeared every where in the site on user profiles, sidebars, tweets and individual tweet pages. Even the embed code is set to Gotham Narrow.

Twitter New

Twitter's mobile web interface on smartphones and tablets continues to use Helvetica Neue, Arial or the system default sans-serif font.

This is what the new font looks like on a tweet page: 

Twitter New Font
Source: Mashable
This is what the tweet page looked like with the old typeface: 

Twitter-old Font
Source: Mashable

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