Monday 25 April 2022

Angular 12: Significant features and updates everyone should know

Angular 12

Angular 12 has a lot of new features and upgrades. This current version of Angular is a positive step toward implementing the "Ivy Everywhere" strategy. With the switch to Ivy and its compilation plus rendering pipeline, the platform gains a lot of potential.

Angular 12 includes significant style improvements, Nullish Coalescing, plus Legacy i18n Message-IDs, among other features that make this version stable.

Ivy everywhere

Wondering what are the new features of angular 12?

The View Engine, Angular's outdated legacy compilation as well as rendering pipeline, is being deprecated in Angular 12. The rendering pipeline will be removed in the upcoming edition. Ivy will function with libraries that previously worked with View Engine.

The entire network will migrate to Ivy with the aid of a compatibility compiler as well as a seamless update path. As a result, Ivy everywhere will greatly improve the efficiency of Angular 12.

Canonical message-ID

In Angular 12, the message-id format became significantly more stable and strong. Due to whitespace as well as translation invalidation concerns, the old message-ids were formerly fragile and unpredictable in their translation.

By shifting away from numerous outdated frameworks, Angular 12 avoids issues caused by format templates as well as ICU expressions. With the latest algorithms, developers may now transfer any legacy localization IDs to canonical message ids.

Nullish coalescing

This revised version adds a nullish coalescing operator (??) to make conditional logic clearer. Upgrade the Angular app and take advantage of the operator to make conditional statements a breeze. This TypeScript operator has been around for a long, and adding it to Angular enhances its usefulness for large numbers of Angular developers.

Enhancements to the Styles

Assistance for inline SASS in the styles field for element decorator without introducing any inlineStyleLanguage parameter to the angular.json file is one of the additions and enhancements made in Angular.

This version additionally includes Tailwind CSS support. That's the proper step for the Angular team, given the Tailwind community's exponential development and popularity.

Upgrade to the NG API

The ng troubleshooting API in Angular 12 can provide important information about how apps are functioning throughout the runtime. In addition, new features such as getDirectiveMetada and set profiler will make debugging APIs easier and more complete.

The getDirectiveMetada method will aid in the recovery of data about various components and directives. The set profile, on the other hand, will assist in tracing template durations, modifications, and lifecycle hook runtime.

What's new in Angular 12 vs. Angular 11?

Within several months of the launch of Angular 11, Angular 12 was introduced. We can say that the basic structure has undergone significant alterations, upgrades, and changes. TypeScript 4.2 is now included in Angular 12, whereas TypeScript 4.0 was used in Angular 11. Webpack 5.37 now supports the new version of Angular, which was previously only supported by Webpack 5.0.


With this edition, Angular has stepped up its game. Angular 12 gives developers additional control with enhanced performance, form validation, language service, and compiler services. The new edition is a lot more stable compared to the old one. It can also be used as a base for Zone.js options, which will be included in future releases.

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