Monday 19 May 2014

Learn Android Development: Resources & Tutorials

Learn Android Development

Do you want to learn Android? Are you in a plan to make it go through yourself, all your way? We give you the right kind of resource, here we have the right guides for you on how to build your app in Android. Learn to create your first App, fundamentals of Android app design, build simple interface and handle user input and debug your first Android project.

Before learning making an app first of all three steps are needed to be followed. They are:-

1) Download the Android SDK.
2) Install the ADT Plugin for Eclipse (if you’ll use the Eclipse IDE).
3) Download the latest SDK tools and platforms using the SDK Manager. 

Now when it comes to learn Android first of all you should know the basics of this programming language. For that

Then comes a XML, you also need to have a knowledge on XML Programming and scripting

Development Environment in Android is must to understand before you proceed. Check this links.

Learning the Android development toolkit will take you toll out and creating an Android app will take even more time, but do not give up. Nothing is easy, overnight learning is not possible, things take time and then you achieve something. Focus on learning. Learn with fun daily and surely you can make it your way.

Learn Android

Check out the list of good and rich sources of links that can give you the best guidance to learn making Android app.

I hope all this source may atleast help you reach somewhere. “Somewhere is better then Nowhere” . Please share your reviews about this information that did you find it useful, also share your feedback. We would be pleased to have your suggestions on this. 


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