Friday 22 March 2019

Latest Amendments & Features In Laravel 5.8

One of the most widely used PHP frameworks today, Laravel is open-source, robust, and easy to understand. It is based on the model-view-controller design pattern and it reuses the existing components of different frameworks to create a web application. Such web application turns out to be more structured and pragmatic.

The framework has a modern set of functionalities incorporating the basic features of PHP frameworks like CodeIgniter, Yii and other programming languages like Ruby on Rails. If you hire PHP developer who is familiar with Core PHP and Advanced PHP, Laravel will make your web development task a breeze. With this you can save a  lot of time especially when you are planning to develop a website from scratch.

The latest version to roll out for Laravel is 5.8. Each new update has got us excited and asking for more. Laravel 5.8 continues these improvements made in Laravel 5.7 by proposing has-one-through Eloquent relationships, improved email validation, convention based automatic registration of authorization policies, DynamoDB cache and session drivers, improved scheduler timezone configuration, support for assigning multiple authentication guards to broadcast channels, PSR-16 cache driver compliance, improvements to the artisan serve command, PHPUnit 8.0 support, Carbon 2.0 support, Pheanstalk 4.0 support, and a variety of other bug fixes and usability improvements.

Let us discuss about a few of those new updates below:

Laravel 5.8 can use Carbon v1 or Carbon v2, including the power to use CarbonImmutable, and even make CarbonImmutable the default. In the latest version, Localization has changed quite a bit in Carbon v2, with better internationalization support than v1.

Name change for Mailables directory
This is one of those important elements that you will need to be aware of when scaling a project. Talking about mailable, if you have them in your project and you utilize customized components using the PHP artisan ‘vendors’, publish command, the folder names have changed slightly. For example, the /resources/views/vendor/mail/markdown directory is now named /resources/views/vendor/mail/text. Since both folders can contain markdown code for making good looking responsive HTML templates with plain text fallbacks. It’s more logical to call the markdown folder text.

String & Array helpers have been deprecated
String and Array helpers are deprecated in Laravel 5.8 update. In most of the cases, they offer little value apart from style, when compared to using the class equivalents, and Laravel plans on releasing the helpers as an optional package if you want to keep using them.

Cache TTL
A notable change in the latest Laravel version which requires special attention for future moderation is the Cache TTL Changes. Passing integers to cache methods represent seconds instead of minutes now.

A few other updates include:
  • Laravel 5.8 has support for the ~4.0 release of the Pheanstalk queue library. You can upgrade your Pheanstalk library in your application, please upgrade your library to the ~4.0 release via Composer.
  • This latest Laravel update provides new error page templates or blade view. This template can be used for a default 404 pages.
  • Laravel 5.8 will now support the relatively new dotenv 3.0 to manage your project’s .env environment file.

In order to develop an inveterate and durable website, one needs to hire dedicated PHP developer who is well-versed with the latest concepts, one who understands and implements these concepts well into the product life-cycle. On the contrary, as a PHP developer, it is your inevitable duty to stay up-to-date with the current trends.