Thursday 31 January 2019

What Can You Expect In Angular 8.0 And Some Important Features From Angular 7

AngularJs has come a long way. We are currently at the eighth version of Angular. Looking back, AngularJs is the prodigy of JavaScript frameworks. 

The second beta version of Angular 8.0, the next version of Google’s popular JavaScript framework, is now available. 

This beta version adds SASS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) backing for the Bazel build tool. The running version release of Angular is Angular 7.2.

Angular grants dependency injection, which comes in handy for assembling data services for applications. You can also use it as an HTML template to compose similar components.

As an AngularJs development company, the need to stay updated about the latest features. We bring you some of the most important features and updates you can expect from Angular 8.0.

New upcoming features in Angular 8.0

Since there is SASS backing for Bazel, the rules are connected to the workspace for a project requiring the SASS extension to CSS. Now, with SASS, developers can easily write visual styles for a client side project with modern language compiled to CSS.

Below are the upcoming features in Angular 8.0

  • For the forms, the new version will have a control and the descendant controls can now be marked as touched or afflicted.
  • For Bazel, there is now a bug fix where the node memory limit for ng-module has been increased that curbs out-of-memory or OOM issues with large modules.
  • Also for forms, Angular 8.0 exports NumberValueAccessor and RangeValueAccessor directives.
  • For the compiler-cli, generated SASS/LESS (Leaner Style Sheets) files are resolved to .CSS inputs.
  • The new Angular 8.0 comes with a shared DomElementSchemaRegistry instance which improves the performance for @angular/platform-server.

Previously, the ServerRendererFactory2 used to create a new instance of DomElementSchemaRegistry for every request. This proved very costly. The problem has now been solved.

There is another bug fix for Bazel where a project created by the schematics would not compile if the project used to have a routing module.

We can expect Angular 8.0 to release around March or April 2019 and the production release will be due one to two months after that.

The latest Angular 8.0 beta is available to download from GitHub.

Now, in order to understand the new features more clearly we have to compare them with the current or the past features we have been working with.

Here are the features in the current version in Angular 7.2

The current version we use was released back in January 2019.

  • There  is an addition of pathParamsOrQueryParamsChange mode for runGuardsAndResolvers providing an option where guards and resolvers will ignore the changes to the matrix parameters.
    These Guards and resolvers rerun when the path changes, or the path parameters change, or if the query parameters change.
  • Current version allows for passing of state to routerLink directives, along with passing of state to NavigationExtras.
  • Angular 7.2 has an ng-schematics efficiency for the Bazel build tool. The Schematics are used to build a project with an ng new command. And, the version 7.2 also has bug fixes for Bazel, the router, and the core of the framework.


Want to build your own website using Angular? That probably might be the most endearing decision you will ever make. You can easily hire Angularjs developer today and start turning your dream into reality. AngularJs framework is future-proof and definitely a long way to go.

Read Also: Why are Startups Choosing Node.js Development ?